If you care about getting accurate background checks fast, contact us today!

90% of the time reports are completed in 24-48 hours and a live person always answers the phone!


Take advantage of our 20% offer* today!

Call: 925-927-3333 Or Submit the form below:

First Name*
Last Name*
Phone (optional)
Company (optional)

* Disclaimer: Conditions apply on the discount as per the current offer. Call to verify. Applicable for “New Clients” only. It cannot be combined or used by existing accounts.



100% of our reports are audited. Our unique internal process checks information at six different touch points to reduce the risk of errors and assure quality.


90% of the time reports are completed in 24-48 hours. Utilizing our global network combined with state-of-the-art technology results in the most accurate information available.


A live person will always answer the phone within 30 seconds. We provide updates regularly by phone or through our proprietary client portal.

Statistics of Success

Over 2.5 Million background checks completed

100,000+ Employers served over the last 21 years

90% of the time reports completed in 24-48 hours

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Private Eyes helps businesses find the solution needed to streamline their business through background checks and/or Lender solutions.

Busting The Myths About Background Checks

Identify the dos and don’ts of running a background check and selecting the right screening partner.

What our Customers Say About Us