Statistics of Success

Over 2.5 Million background checks completed

100,000+ Employers served over the last 22 years

90% of the time reports completed in 24-48 hours

Instant Data is not always Verified Data

Most service providers promise speed because they don’t take time to verify the information that is submitted online. At Private Eyes, we re-verify and confirm every detail directly from the source to avoid errors in reporting. That is how we have maintained 99.9% accuracy on background checks and mitigated the risk of hiring a wrong candidate.


Our background screening process has helped clients:

  • Save thousands of dollars by preventing a bad hire
  • Avoid costly lawsuits and disputes from candidates
  • Strengthen internal employment hiring practices
  • Make a safe workplace possible for their employees


How Do We Make it Simple?

Check out how our 3-step process makes it efficient to order reports

What Sets Us Apart?




What our Customers Say About Us