Does a Company Need Permission to Do a Background Check?

Does a Company Need Permission to Do a Background Check?

Does a Company Need Permission to Do a Background Check? 

Background checks can help reveal a lot of information including financial, criminal, and employment. While the entire process might seem to be an invasion of privacy, there are various laws in place to help protect people from unfair discrimination. The regulations ensure that the information revealed in the background check is used appropriately. 

Both the party requesting and the person being subjected to the checks should understand the type of information that can or cannot be used in monitoring and evaluating. Strictly adhering to the regulations in place ensures a legal and fair screening process. 

What are Background Checks? 

Background checks are the reviews of an individual’s criminal, commercial and financial records. Third parties usually perform the checks, and they include findings related to any arrests, convictions, and court records. 

Most states have rules and regulations that determine how far back background checks may go. During the process, background check companies go back in time to find any offenses that could be a problem for the employer.

Employers Must Have Permission before Doing a Background Check 

Before doing any credit or background check, companies must request and receive permission in written form from an individual before proceeding with the process. If any information leads to a company deciding not to hire you, it should inform you and provide a copy of the report. All these regulations are managed by the Federal Trade Commission and are designed to protect you. 

If something that turns up in the background check is not correct, having access to your report will help you get in touch with the agencies and organizations concerned to correct the mistake. While some of the data on the background check could be of legitimate concern to the companies, they cannot use them as a reason or excuse to discriminate. As an employer, you must request the background checks of all applicants equally.
