Hiring During High Unemployment

Hiring During High Unemployment

Hiring During High Unemployment

Even though there are thousands of people receiving unemployment and looking for work, it can be difficult to hire just the right employee when unemployment numbers are high. Restrictions across the country are being lifted so that more people can go to stores and attractions. More people can travel and enjoy the things that they did before the pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean that businesses are ready to jump on board and start hiring dozens of employees.

Future Plans

If there is another shutdown, businesses are looking at ways to allow more employees to work remotely so that they retain their jobs. This would mean a decrease in hiring new employees. Another way that businesses have started planning is by making a hierarchy of employees in management. If there are managers who are sick or unable to physically be present, then the next manager in line would perform the duties of that person until the manager is back.

Independent work is taking off in the country, which means that it’s difficult to hire employees for structured schedules. Workers want to be able to have the freedom of making their own schedule, especially those who must take care of children who are unable to go to daycare or school. Even if there is another shutdown, these workers will likely still have a job when other businesses lay off employees because they usually provide essential services for those who stay home.

Finding the Right Employee

During an interview, there are a few things that employers can keep in mind to find just the right employee. An employer should not ask the potential employee if the person has had COVID or been exposed. Employers should ask questions that pertain to the dynamics of the current work industry, such as the type of schedule required or training that might be needed. Employers should also maintain communication with potential employees and those who are hired so that everyone understands the expectations of the business.

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