What Components Go Into A Background Check?

What Components Go Into A Background Check?

When people sign waivers about background checks, most people just think it’s screening for criminal history. However, background checks consist of more than searching criminal history. Basic employment background checks look into educational history to see if their candidate has a certain degree. Another component background checks consist of is employment history. This is to ensure that a candidate isn’t lying about their qualifications. Other components are drug screenings, driver qualifications, and social security. Checking someone’s driver qualifications is to see if a person any tickets or if they’re a safe driver for insurance companies to adjust their rates accordingly. A social security background check checks the legal status of a person. It also can tell if someone is wanted by the government or if there is any crime pending.

Background checks can also check civil claims made by a person and if they were involved in any civil suits. Another type of background check is credit checking. This checks how much debt a person has to their credit score depending on who is looking for their information. It can also tell if someone was bankrupt before or if they struggled with money in the past. Drug screenings are another component of background checks to see if a person has used any illegal drugs in the past.

Background checks can also help in regards to determining whether someone was a veteran, when they served and what their standing with the army was. Another part of a background check is checking a person’s physical health background, this would tell a person whether or not someone is disabled or if they partake in smoking for life insurance companies to adjust their rates for. Background checks vary greatly depending on who is checking for what purpose, as insurance companies will adjust their rates depending on how clean someone’s record is to an employer verifying a prospective employee’s history. Background checks however, do require a person’s permission as legal issues will arise if done without their permission.