Housing Trends in the Bay Area

As mentioned in many of our earlier blogs, the San Francisco Bay Area has been one of the most badly hit housing markets in the nation. But over the past few years, home sales have been on the rise according to DataQuick, a San Diego-based

A Few Tax Related What Ifs!

In troubled times such as these, when there is rampant unemployment and the fear of foreclosure among other issues, many people have questions related to filing their taxes. We will be covering a few situations where it would be beneficial to contact the IRS and

Housing Trends – 2013

Trends are not only for the fashion world; they are common in the housing market too. And just like fashions keep changing with seasons, housing trends vary according to the economic environment. Let’s take a look at the top housing trends for 2013. As 2012 came

Using Social Media Aptly

Have you recently been asked about your social profile at an interview? Have you had to hide certain details because you have unmentionable web activity? Well, beware of what you put online, because it could come back to bite you.Social Media plays an important role