Will A Small Business Loan Work For Me?

Determining whether or not a small business loan is right for you depends upon the type of business financing you need. Today’s lending environment requires you to know exactly how a small business loan works and your available options. For example, you may want to

Small Business Loans 101

If securing financing is an important step to establishing your start-up business or funding your existing company, you should be prepared before you begin. The best way to increase your chances of being approved for a small business loan is to be thorough and accurate

Why Do Employers Need To Drug Screen?

Almost half of all prospective employees had to undergo some type of drug test to continue with the application process for a job they desire. More than 9 million people took tests in 2015, according to a report by The Atlantic. Getting a job did

Drug Testing in the Office

Alcohol and drug abuse by employees can result in safety hazards, decreased productivity, and low employee morale. Drug testing is a simple and inexpensive way for employers to identify the use of alcohol, prescriptions, and illegal drugs and help to curb use by employees. Employers

Exploring Loans & Funding

Most small-business owners need either loans or some other sort of funding to get their business going or to expand if and when that time comes. Before making the decision on how to fund your business needs, it helps to explore the options that are