Tax Return Verification

Tax Return Verification

The three functions of a T-form

The 4506-T form is used to verify whether or not you have any tax returns due you. You may also gather previous W-2 information as well as 1099 transcripts that are on file with the IRS. You can request this information or designate an authorized party to do so on your behalf. Additional forms that could be requested include the 1040, 1120, and 1065.

What is the typical turnaround time for this request?

Transcript requests are usually processed between one and two business days. It isn’t uncommon for the information to become available that very day with some services.

How long is the form information valid?

The information on the form is only valid for 120 days. After time has lapsed, you will have to request a new form.

How do I request tax information for previous years?

You can request this information for the past four years.

What is the difference between requesting a copy of the tax return directly from the IRS and requesting the information here?

The tax transcripts are obtained using a 4506 and can take 60 days to process via the IRS. The 4506-T gives you tax transcripts and are much easier to obtain.
How is the information delivered?

The tax transcripts are usually delivered in an electronic format. The information is presented in PDF or XML format.

How do I avoid my request being rejected?

Listing accurate address information for all previous years can result in the request being rejected. Illegible signature and written content can also hinder requests.

What’s the quickest way to obtain this information?

The simplest way to gain access to that information is to submit an online request. Requesting online ensures speedy processing and allows you to compare information submitted to the listed

How long does it take for the IRS database to be updated with new information?

If you filed an extension previously, you must wait anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks to see corrections or updates submitted show up in the system.