What healthcare HR departments should keep in mind when running a background check

What healthcare HR departments should keep in mind when running a background check

What healthcare HR departments should keep in mind when running a background check

When working in a human resource department for a medical office or hospital, you’ll usually be responsible for completing background checks on potential employees and those who are currently working for the company. Employees who could have past or current criminal issues might not be the best option for providing care for patients and could have a negative impact on the business. The following are a few details to keep in mind when completing the background check process.

Any federal and state guidelines associated with completing a background check for employees must be followed. If someone has a criminal background, then an assessment is usually needed as there are some people who have issues from years in the past that have been rectified. Sometimes, the employer isn’t allowed to ask if an employee has a criminal background, which is something that you want to look into when completing paperwork before each person applies.

If you’re unsure of an applicant or an employee, then consider running multiple background reports in areas other than the state where you currently work. This can give you more details about any issues that the person might have that aren’t revealed in a basic background check as well as issues that the person might not be honest about. After someone is hired, you want to complete background checks on a regular basis as things can happen at any time. If there are issues that develop, then you might want to consider talking to the employee before making a decision about termination.

Aside from a criminal background check, you also want to make sure any health certifications are current. If the person has a license of any kind, then you want to make sure this is current as well as you don’t want someone working with patients who hasn’t maintained the proper records, vaccinations, or other details needed to maintain a license or certification.

Need a thorough background check? Contact us to learn more.