Background screening & the healthcare industry

Background screening & the healthcare industry

Background checks are an important part of the hiring process. This is especially true of the healthcare industry, where workers have near-constant access to highly confidential information.Still, unqualified healthcare workers do occasionally slip through the cracks even with a background check. This can happen when

How long does negative employment information stay on your record?

Sometimes we make mistakes either due to a lapse in judgment or immaturity, and unfortunately, our potential employers discover them. Therefore, you may want to know what employers can view in a background check and how long the negative reports remain. Each state varies its retrieval investigation method. There

Can a failed drug test show up on a background check?

When applying for employment, there are multiple different things that could be required by the desired employer before you can receive a proper job offer. Two of the most common requirements are background checks and drug testing. With a background check, employers are able to see any public